Tuesday, April 12, 2011

7 weeks later....

Yeah, it has been a while. I feel like my life is just now getting a bit more organized and scheduled.
( I bought a marker board so I can make my daily lists of things to do...I love seeing things crossed off. It makes me feel super productive... even though I don't always get things done. Updating my blog has been on there for a while :)

These past 7 weeks with our bundle of joy has been... joyful! :)

We are enjoying getting into a better routine and sleeping more than a few weeks go. I forgot what it is like to be sleep deprived, and I don't miss it at all. Aaron is sleeping from 7 at night until 6ish in the morning. I feed him about twice through the night. Not bad for a 7 week old!

Aaron is just starting to smile some. I forgot how joyful that can be! He is getting some cute double chins and I love kissing them. :)

Adam is doing pretty well also. He loves Aaron, even though he sat on him today. :) He is saying so many things lately and is so funny. We can't believe he will be 2 next month. So crazy.

Amos is working in the fields a lot lately and isn't even seeing the boys which is hard for me and the kiddos. Adam needs his Daddy right now! ( Me too! )

I read the book 1000 gifts and loved it. I am journaling my gifts. I thought about sharing them on my blog, but I think I decided to keep them to myself. It has been a good challenge though.

Last weekend we got to spend time with my family. The Johnson's were here from Denver and my parents came also. It was short and sweet. We had fun with Micah. We drove to Iowa City to watch Ry-Ry play soccer. Mom got the kids matching shirts to help cheer him on. Adam constantly says "Go Ry-Ry Go" and explains that Ry kicked the ball and acts it out. Very sweet.

We are looking forward to summer. We have enjoyed the nicer weather. Adam needs to get out of the house. He could be outside all day long if I let him.

Well, time for some pictures to illustrate all we have been up to lately.


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