Sunday, June 19, 2011

I really shouldn't be blogging right now...

I have a lot to do tonight before we go to Colorado tomorrow, but I think blogging would be much more fun. :) I didn't even know they had so many new, fun backgrounds.

We are looking forward to driving to Colorado tomorrow night. We are driving through the night to hopefully ease the pain of making two young children sit in their car seats for 12 hours. Dad and Ryan are driving with us. We will meet everyone else once we get there. The Greene's are looking forward to a few days of relaxation at the cabin up in the mountains before we enjoy the chaos of 6 children 2 and younger. I can't complain- we did this to ourselves! :)

We have been busy! Today we spent time together for Father's Day. Sadly we didn't have too much fun due to the long list of tasks before we leave.

Look at that Father of my children. So incredibly gorgeous (even though he is trying to spray me with water)

The gorgeous man and my gorgeous sons, all dressed in plaid today. I didn't really plan that. :)

Look at this adorable chunker. Love that smile! :)

Last week we went camping with some of our dear friends. We had so much fun! It stormed the first night but after that it was beautiful. We enjoyed using our boat finally. Both boys fell asleep every time we got on. It was kind of nice! :)

Our beautiful friend Kim with our beautiful Adam

Isn't he adorable? That dimple melts my heart every time I see it!

Our muscle-man. Thanks Grandma Greene for this wonderful find. It probably wouldn't save Adam's life if he were to be in the water long, but it would keep him up long enough for us to get to him. Nice peace of mind.

The Greene's on our boat.

Some other pictures from June...

The beautiful Vinchattle crew before we headed to the pool.

This is for Cosette, but I couldn't resist putting it on Aaron. I think he might make a pretty girl. He'll kill me for this picture someday! :)

Adam loves his Uncle Ry-Ry. We enjoyed watching him play state soccer. He didn't win, but played awesome as usual.

At the end of last month, Adam turned 2! We had a smaller little party at the park. It was cold outside, but the birthday boy didn't mind a bit!

Our birthday tradition with our big boy

Adam enjoying his whipped cream after they sang to him

He wasn't sure what was going on. He enjoyed it though:)

Adam enjoying his icing at his birthday party

Our big 2-year old and his teddy bear

Adam was overwhelmed with Grandma's! :) He kept looking around and saying "More grandma's, more grandma's and more grandma's!" He loves them all so much!

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