I'm sorry my blog updates haven't been updated as much as I would like. I could say I've had such a busy summer that I haven't had much time....which is true...but I think next season might even be the same....and the next...which is just fine. I like being busy and continuing to enjoy our life with our sweet boys and wonderful family and friends.
I am going to spend the weekend at my 'rents and Uncle Ry-Ry. I don't know who is more excited. I heard Ry is telling all his friends that his nephews are coming to town. Ryan is on the search for a great college for next year....he wants to play soccer. He is very talented!
Adam and Aaron are doing well. I am trying to get Adam more and more comfortable with the toilet. He's not quite ready, but enjoys sitting on it and talking about it. I'm sure it won't be too much longer... hopefully. :) His vocabulary grows by the day. I love talking and singing with him. Aaron is starting to eat some rice cereal. He was ready for it already- a month before Adam started. He is a bigger eater (as you can tell by the pictures) and it has caused a much better night of sleeping. He has been a great sleeper, but this made the almost 12-hour night awesome. Hope it continues!
We don't have a lot of plans the rest of the summer. Amos starts harvest season soon so hopefully we can get another camping trip in or a fun family get-away.
Here are some pictures!

After Aaron's first night of food. I tried to keep him clean!

Woah Rachel...you look GOOD in that picture :)
Sweet pictures, sweet life! Love you and your kidos! (Amos, too!)
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