Friday, August 12, 2011

My Man....

My hunk-a-liciuos husband and I went on a wonderful date last night. I had my first experience riding on a motorcycle! I was very scared at first but trusted Amos ( and God!) and we ended up having a wonderful time. We wore helmets... as dorky as they are... but I couldn't help thinking about our precious boys who still need some parents around and got over my vanity. :) The weather has been picture-perfect. I loved having my arms wrapped around that guy. :)

Tonight we are headed to Minneapolis to visit Amos' Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle. We plan on visiting the Mall of America. I think Adam will really enjoy it.. especially Lego World. ( And it's free to visit! ) I think we will also dine at the Rainforest Cafe. I am SO excited to have my first experience shopping at IKEA. I have heard from so many people how wonderful it is. It's kind of our last little get-away before the dreaded Harvest season starts.

Hopefully I'll come back with lots of fun pictures and memories.

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

Maria Lovin said...

FUN! And I second the helmets--they're worth it :) You will LOVE Ikea, I'm jealous!! They have great stuff for kids' rooms too.