Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello blog readers- Catch up time again. Since last blog update.. I have a new nephew! Briar William came last month. Ru had an awesome delivery at home. I can't wait to meet him at the end of the month.
Aaron is super adorable and stubborn and follows Adam around and does everything he does. Super cute kid. :) Here are some pics of him putting beans in his ears and after or during a fit he threw.
Adam is doing well also- growing up way too quickly. He is over his terrible 2's which is awesome. Even though we still have some issues, they are much easier to resolve. I love seeing him grow up. His potty-training is going well at home. I terrified to leave home without diapers. I know I need to soon..
We had a great time at our church conference at Hidden Acres last weekend. We all went to sleep way too late every night. It seems like we are just now getting back to normal.
I am still pregnant... and in my third month. I feel like my stomach is huge... so no telling what 6 months from now will look like. I still have evening sickness a lot. I'm ready for my second trimester! Tomorrow morning I get to hear the baby's heartbeat. I'm so excited! I am going to my parent's house this weekend to spend time with them/bring a load back home of Ryan's college stuff. We are going to be gone for 2 weeks visiting family in Texas and New Mexico then will head to San Diego to move Ryan to college. It is going to be a very long time away and over 60 hours in the car. I'm so happy we now have a van with a DVD player. I am trying to find fun things for the boys to do that doesn't involve movies and eating. We are also trying to find me another job. I need some kind of part-time administrative kind of job. We know God will provide- he always has! Thanks for praying for provision if you think of it. Until next time!

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