Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lonely Harvest Wife Here

Happy Harvest Season to you all... Especially my hubby who has already put in many late hours. Hopefully that means he will be done before Thanksgiving!
I recently turned 29... hoping this will be a great year as I enjoy being young for just a little longer. :) I had a great birthday. My Mom came into town a few days earlier and had a perfect little surprise dinner at the Cafe with a couple of my dear friends.
For lunch my friend Ashley and I went to Hickory Park with all four of our sons. We survived... and had fun. Thanks again Ash. Amos and I enjoyed a couple's shower that night for our friends. It was a nice ending to a great birthday.
Besides getting older, we are trying to stay busy so we don't miss Amos too much.. and I'm still doing well growing a baby! Have a good week!

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